
What is your game plan for making every move count?

The Naples and Southwest Florida Real Estate Market can be a very rewarding business. With that in mind, if you are currently reaping some of the benefits of real estate sales, rentals or commercial listings, then you should be creating and maintaining a marketing plan not only focusing on today, but also planning on the future.

In today’s world, media is King. In one way or another, every step you make is linked to some sort of media content. Think about it, if you are active in your market what dominates your day? More than likely that is some sort of networking, be it by social media or direct marketing to potential leads. And how is this networking done today? The internet. And what makes the internet anything more than a jumbled mess of information swimming around in our devices? Search engines.

You need to be thinking about how every step you make throughout your marketing day will help to lay out a foundation and build a marketing structure that keeps you in the top of your market. You should be linking every image, post, virtual tour and video directly back to your brand. And if your Real Estate Photographer isn’t on top of this with you, then you have a lot more work to do than you should.

In this really informative video, Ryan Stewart of Webris digs a little deeper into just a few of the things you can be doing as a Naples Real Estate agent to get more traction out of your website and listing pages.

Money Knows Money…don’t waste your time on “Luxury Keywords” those sales come from referrals…
Ryan Stewart

In this video, Ryan goes on to talk about how important it is for everything on your website to be unique and value adding. That’s what Google wants to rank. You aren’t going to beat Zillow and the likes with your listing pages, but you can generate leads and traffic by building a “Keyword Funnel” with relevant and area specific content.

Being an expert on what places like Naples, Marco Island and Bonita Springs have to offer and publishing that information on your website will lead people to your information maybe before they even know they are ready to buy.

He also mentions one very important thing towards the end of the video and that is people want to see pictures! Image search is really important for Real Estate because people want to see images. Google puts these results at the top of the search pages.

People want to see images…images come up first in search pages…That’s Google’s way of telling you when people search for buildings they want to see pictures!
Ryan Stewart

Make Your Pictures Count!

With all of this in mind, one of the basic layers of Search Engine Optimization is taking care of your images. Meaning, make sure your image file names are building and address specific, and all of your media is titled and has alternative text attached to it. You should be working with a media and content creator who is delivering images and video to you ready to go!