
Photography Health and Safety on Location

Taking you and your clients health and safety into consideration onsite for Naples area Real Estate Photography

Health and Safety precautions for onsite photography

As a business that offers in home services to its clients, Sun Services SW has always taken into consideration the health and safety of its “workplace”.


Our everyday precautions and procedures have always included the following:

  • Shoe protection for interior surfaces
  • Taking into consideration photographing the exterior last and leaving the property via an exterior exit.
  • Careful placement of camera tripod and other equipment for interior and exterior spaces
  • Never touching or moving any personal property
  • Always leaving with all lights turned off and exterior doors locked (if unlocked for photos)


Additional Health and Safety precautions due to recent Covid-19 coronavirus


Due to the current spread of  Covid-19 coronavirus and an international campaign to curb further issues, Sun Services SW Commercial photography is putting these additional  precautions into place effective immediately:

  • Hand shaking will be avoided
  • Proper masks will be worn inside the residence
  • A hand sanitizer will be applied immediately before entering homes
  • New foot protection will be used for each property
  • Gloves may be worn during the shoot
  • All camera equipment will be wiped with alcohol-based- wipes before entering property

Additional precautions that listing agents may want to take prior to the scheduled appointment:

  • For occupied listings ask that the occupants either leave the property for the duration of the session or all congregate in one room
  • Take into consideration all personal property that should not be in the photos be moved prior to us entering with our camera equipment
  • Have all lights turned on and all fans off prior to the session
  • For more on preparing for real estate listing photography check here

We want your sellers to be fully confident that they will not be put under any risk by us visiting their property, so hopefully this can reassure them. However, let me know if there is anything else we can do to help you and your business.


 Marketing Strategies for Hesitant Sellers

If you have any homeowners who are reluctant to list their home at this time then here are some marketing ideas to pass along to them.

  • Encourage your sellers to proceed, but focus on an online marketing campaign with a full set of photos, together with either a video walk through , 360 panoramic virtual tour or simply a detailed floorplan. This will provide potential buyers with all that they need to know about a home’s size and features, and you can then invite serious buyers to attend a private visit to the property.


For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Jon directly at 239-285-5320


How Can I Help Today?

Have something you need some help with? You can get in touch with us quickly by filling out the simple form here or you can call us at 239-285-5320.

You can also email us at Jon@SunServicesSW.com

Sun Services SW is a full service Commercial and Real Estate Photography provider serving Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, Estero, Cape Coral and all of Southwest Florida. 

Jon Kreider at Sun Services SW has expertly photographed properties
in the area since 2013. Agent references available.